Monograph Series

The Gages of Hengrave and Suffolk Catholicism, 1640-1767
Francis Young 2005
For almost 250 years the Gages of Hengrave Hall, near Bury St Edmunds, were the leading Roman Catholic family in Suffolk, and the sponsors and protectors of most Catholic missionary endeavours in the western half of the county. This book traces their rise from an offshoot of a Sussex recusant family, to the extinction of the senior line in 1767, when the Gages became the Rookwood Gages. Drawing for the first time on the extensive records of the Gage family in Cambridge University Library, the book considers the Gages as part of the wider Catholic community of Bury St Edmunds and west Suffolk, and includes transcriptions of selected family letters as well as the surviving eighteenth-century Benedictine and Jesuit mission registers for Bury St Edmunds. Although the Gages were the wealthiest and most influential Catholics in the region, the gradual separation and independent growth of the urban Catholic community in Bury St Edmunds challenges the idea that eighteenth-century Catholicism in the south of England was moribund and "seigneurial". The author argues that in the end, the Gages' achievement was to create a Catholic community that could eventually survive without their patronage.
Victorian Churches and Churchmen:
Essays Presented to Vincent Alan McLelland
Edited by Sheridan Gilley 2005
The major themes of Catholic historiography and the history of education during the Victorian era unite the essays collected here, as is fitting for a volume honouring the work in these fields of Professor Vincent Alan McClelland. There is a particular emphasis upon the life and work of Cardinal Manning; other figures and topics considered include Father Randal Lythgoe, Cardinal Newman, the English Benedictine contribution to the British Empire, modern Scottish Catholic history, and Victorian Christianity in its various forms, as in the essays on Methodism and the Church of Ireland.

Lingard Remembered:
Essays to mark the Sesquicentenary of John Lingard’s Death
Edited by Peter Phillips 2004

English Catholics of Parish and Town: 1558-1778
Mary B Rowlands 1999

Edmund Plowden: an Elizabethan Recusant Lawyer
Geofftry De C Parmiter 1987

The Tridentine English Primer from 1538 to 1800
J M Blom 1982

Catholic Recusancy in the City of York, 1558-1791
J C H Aveling 1970