Many people give of their time, expertise, and experience to ensure the smooth-running of the Society's business and the fulfillment of its aims, purposes, and charitable obligations by serving on its various boards and committees. Its affairs are overseen by the CRS Council.
His Eminence the Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster
The Most Revd the Archbishop of Birmingham
The Most Revd the Archbishop of Cardiff
The Most Revd the Archbishop of Liverpool
The Most Revd the Archbishop of Southwark
The Rt Revd Mgr Nicholas Hudson,
Auxiliary Bishop in the Archdiocese of Westminster
Lord Mark Fitzalan Howard, OBE
Professor V. Alan McClelland
The Rt Revd Dr Geoffrey Scott, OSB
Michael Hodgetts, KSG
Custodial Trustees
Dr Peter Doyle
Alexander Fitzalan Howard, Esq
Simon Jamieson, Esq
Mrs Judith Smeaton
Council 2022-2023
*Dr Paul Arblaster, Volumes Editor
Professor Judith Champ, DSS (2021)
*Dr Katy Gibbons, Journal Editor
Fr Peter Harris (2021)
Dr Scholastica Jacob, Secretary
*Dr Helen Kilburn, Conference Director
Dr Carmen Mangion, Membership Secretary
Dr Peter Nockles (2021)
*Dr Susan O’Brien, Chair of Council (2022)
*Patrick Powell, Esq, Treasurer
Dr Maria Power (2021)
+Professor Bill Sheils
Dr Liam Temple (2022)
*Honorary Officer
+ Co-opted