Many people give of their time, expertise, and experience to ensure the smooth-running of the Society's business and the fulfillment of its aims, purposes, and charitable obligations by serving on its various boards and committees. Its affairs are overseen by the CRS Council.
His Eminence the Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster
The Most Revd the Archbishop of Birmingham
The Most Revd the Archbishop of Cardiff
The Most Revd the Archbishop of Liverpool
The Most Revd the Archbishop of Southwark
The Rt Revd Mgr Nicholas Hudson,
Auxiliary Bishop in the Archdiocese of Westminster
Lord Mark Fitzalan Howard, OBE
Professor V. Alan McClelland
The Rt Revd Dr Geoffrey Scott, OSB
The CRS is run by a Council of up to twelve members. Nine of these are elected by the membership at the AGM. Three are appointed by the elected Council for their specialist skills to serve on the editorial boards of the British Catholic Journal and as editor of the CRS Volumes series. The Council members are the trustees of the CRS which is a registered charity.
The CRS now has five committees supporting the Council to deliver its objectives. These are:
Finance Committee
Conference Committee
Awards Committee
Membership and Communications Committee
Publications Committee
The membership of each committee is appointed by the Council and reports back to the Council at each of its meetings. Each committee is composed of at least two Trustees, one of whom serves as chair of the committee. The Council co-opts other members of the CRS, who are not Trustees, for their specialist skills.
The Current Trustees are:
Dr Susan O’Brien (Chair)
Dr Paul Arblaster (Volumes Editor)
Professor Judith Champ
Dr Katy Gibbons (BCH Editor)
Fr Peter Harris (Treasurer)
Dr Scholastica Jacob (Secretary)
Dr James Kelly (Awards Committee)
Dr Helen Kilburn (Conference Director)
Dr Carmen Mangion (Membership Secretary)
Mrs Judith Smeaton
Dr Liam Temple (Communications)
Professor Alana Harris